Acupuncture Database for HanDBase - Acupuncture/Acupressure Database which includes Point name, location, indications, contraindications, needle direction and depth, whether the point is Yin or Yang, point function and special notes on the point. Triple checked with 4 sources and cross referenced with each source. Excellent reference for any acupuncturist/acupressurist! As it is taken from multiple sources and crossreferenced, the information is very comprehensive.
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Requirements:HanDBase v.2.7x or greater
Supported operating systems:
Palm OS 3.x, Palm OS 4.x, Palm OS 5.x, Pocket PC 2002, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.2, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.3, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.5, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.6, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.7, RIM BlackBerry OS 5.0, RIM BlackBerry OS 6.0, S60 1st Edition, S60 2nd Edition, S60 3rd Edition, S60 3rd Edition FP1, S60 3rd Edition FP2, S60 5th Edition, Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 2003 Smartphone, Windows Mobile 5.0, Windows Mobile 5.0 Smartphone, Windows Mobile 6 Classic, Windows Mobile 6 Professional, Windows Mobile 6 Standard, Windows Mobile 6.1 Classic, Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.1 Standard, Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.5 Standard
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