AdBlock blocks HTTP requests. It may be used for blocking unwanted ads on webpages.
It will NOT block ads in apps.
Set APN's proxy preferences to localhost with the port set in main application
TigerText - Featured in The Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine, Wired, PC World, The Sunday Times, CNET, The Sun, The Mirror, Mashable, Gizmodo, Daily Beast, The Telegraph, The Huffington Post, The San Francisco Chronicle, Fox News and The New York Daily News.
TigerText is the hottest new texting software that keeps text messages private and secure
Fotmob is an application that lets you follow your favorite football team wherever you are. Stay updated on the latest development in all major leagues
nookWifiLocker is an application that prevents Wifi from automatically turning off after it is turned on. This allows for uninterrupted usage of internet apps, but significantly decreases battery life if left on.
As of 0.0.4 Wifi Locker can disable both the touchscreen timer and screensaver, it can also enable/disable ADB
Molson Seize the Summer- Every time you go somewhere or do something that makes your summer great, chances are there''s a SUMMER AWESOMENESS BADGE to mark your achievement. Every badge gets posted to your Facebook page to tell the story of your summer. The most awesome summer ever. Did you just BBQ a variety of meats? There''s a badge for that
IpdDumpSymbian OS, Pocket PC, Palm, Series 60, Series 80, Series 90, UIQ, BlackBerry, Sharp Zaurus, Linux, Smartphone, Android, MaemoVersion: 0.3 RC3 updated Upload date: 21 Jul 10 Tags: Internet & Communications
IpdDump 0.3 RC2-the utility was created initially to extract SMS records from a Blackberry backup, which is an IPD (Inter@ctive Pager Backup) file. Its goal is to be able to extract and export all types of records into customized open text formats