ContentDroyd is a utility for downloading large content from a remote server for later offline use. This tools is not made for solitary use since it is started automatically by other Droyd applications, like WikiDroyd or MapDroyd
CloudStock is an easy to use Amazon S3 manager and file transfer client for the Android platform. CloudStock supports file transfer of arbitrary size, only limited by Amazon current 5GB cap, it also includes a file browser to manage local files
aFreeware - Enjoy only free and reviewed applications directly on your Android phone !
We''ve released aFreeware with the goal to help you find quality and free apps easier. Since there are about 70 000 free programs on Android Market, browsing them and finding suitable for your needs is sometimes hard work
NetSentry is a network traffic alert system for the Android operating system. It keeps track of how much data is transferred over each network interface of your Android system. When certain usage levels are reached you will be notified over the notification facility.
· Tracks the data transmitted over all active network interfaces