Android - Do you want to run Android on your Windows 7 Phone?
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Supported operating systems:
Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 7, Windows Phone 8
Other Software by developer «eric_rulz»:
TopGear This application is devoted to the British automotive programme, TopGear, allowing users to stay up to date on various TopGear related news and blog postings
The Internet This app is about the internet. It contains a series of RSS feeds
Autoblog "[] obsessively [covers] the auto industry", and this application is for users who obsessively read Autoblog
UML Robotics Lab UML Robotics Lab - This is THE OFFICIAL WP7 application of the University of Massachusetts Lowell robotics lab. It displays our Youtube channel, and will at some point be augmented to display our RSS news feed
Daytime Soap Operas If you like soap operas, than you'll love those application
Spam This app pays homage to spam, the most delicious processed meat ever
Mythbusters This is NOT an official application...