Whois Lookup - If you enter a domain name in a WHOIS search engine, it will scour a huge database of domains and return information about the one you entered. This information typically contains the name, address, and phone number of the administrative, billing, and technical contacts of the domain name
WiFi Manager - A tool to manage Wifi connections - discover and connect to Wifi networks.
Includes a home screen widget with detailed connection state, including SSID and IP address.
Use the Radar View to find the best channel for your home or work router
WIFI Optimizer is an Android app which helps you avoid conflicts with other WiFi networks and optimize the performance of your network.
The application searches and lists all the WiFi networks detected. Select a network and you will view the overlap in all channels. Choose the channel with less overlap for the best performance on your WiFi network
Wired Tether - This application enables tethering (via USB) for "rooted" handsets running Android. A client (your laptop for example) can connect via usb and get access to the internet using the 3G, 2G mobile connection or the wifi connection which is established by the handset.
This program has been tested with Linux and Microsoft Windows clients
Wireless Tether - enables WiFi-tethering for "rooted" handsets running Android. Clients (your laptop for example) can connect via WiFi (ad-hoc mode) and get access to the Internet using the 3G or 2G connection which is established by the handset.
What's New in This Release:
· Minor bugfixes. Last release of "wireless tether"
Xender File Transfer Sharing - Need to transfer files between phones or between your phone and computer? Try Xender and experience the coolest all-in-one file transfer and sharing app! Xender transfers anything you want, from documents, music, pictures, to videos and apps, in an instant with a few taps
Xender File Transfer Sharing Computer Phone - Xender transfers anything, from documents, music, pictures, to videos and apps in an instant . Besides connection and transfer between Android devices, Xender also allows transfers between Android and iOS
XinkVpn - XinkVpn lets you switch VPN connectivity quickly. It provides an alternative for the native VPN setting app.
Android native VPN settings won't remember passwords, you'll have to enter the password (long and hard to input) each time you connect. XinVpn will make it much more easy
ZaTelnet Light is a Telnet client for Google Phone. It also emulates terminal VT100 (basically enough for working with Midnight Commander and others console programs).
A light protocol client, designed for network system administrators, end users and web designers, working with Unix/Linux/BSD systems