Jaguaralani Planets - Choose the Planet you like and use it instead of your SUN/MOON on your Home Screen & Weather Tab in HTC Sense.
Each Planet has its own CAB file, install accordingly as you like
WMD-Agenda is an Androkkid widget that displays your appointments (like the PocketOutlook Calendar), tasks for the next few days, and includes the weather forecast for the next 5 days. It is highly configurable and skinnable
WMD-Clock+ is a reproduction of the original HTC Sense Hero clock, with weather information and forecast (based on Goraps Weather widget), alarm information and, additionally, the possibility to add status icons (almost widgets in themselves) and your own custom icons linked to an application
Turn your smartphone into a smart travel companion.
It seems travel is only getting more stressful and difficult. WorldMate exists for only one reason ? to make your on-the-go lifestyle easier
WeatherZIPs allows you to enter a postal code and displays the weather report from the server. Enter the ZIP/Postal code and tap the button to view the current and future weather forecasts. This service is provided by Google
WeatherGoogler allows you to enter any world city name and displays the weather report from the server. Enter the city name and tap the button to view the current and future weather forecasts. This service is provided by Google
HKWX Hong Kong Weather Plugin Auto update Hong Kong weather information from Hong Kong Observatory, when internet access available, by means of ActiveSync Pass through, LAN connection, or dial up connection
This update for HTC Touch2 allows it to bring you updates wherever your location, so you know the relevant weather information for where you are, no matter if you are on a 3G or a 2G network