Top Most Powerful Armies In The World - The world is increasingly becoming a more military place, it feels like we have entered a new modified cold war filled with groups who have no country and no flag. In the past couple of years it is has become clear that the strongest armies in the world are not the ones with the largest number of guns
The Most Powerful People In Enterprise Tech - Enterprise tech is undergoing a major transformation with new apps, cloud computing, mobile devices, and many, many changes to the way networks and data centers are built and managed. Plus, enterprise tech is enriching investors
Rare Flowers That Are Stunning To Look At - From every corner of the planet, very few unique and rare flowers have managed to attract the curiosity and interest of botanists and horticulturists alike. These exotic and expensive flowers cover all types of flora imaginable, providing a glimpse into just how distinctive the various paths of evolution can be
Most Powerful Weapons In History - The word powerful can be very subjective in this case. Causing massive annihilation is powerful but so is inciting fear in a prolonged and painful manner. Anything that can destroy lives and properties is powerful, conversely anything that can protect lives and properties from these most powerful weapons in history is also equally powerful
People With Incredible Talents - Most people have basic talents like singing, dancing, and so on Along with this incredible skill, he could remember every detail of every day. With so many superhero movies around, such as Spiderman or Hulk, we are used to see people with special abilities in fiction
Top Fishes of India - This is a list of the fish species found in India and is based on Fish Base Horaichthys setnai (endemic) Thready top-minnow, Malabar ricefish; Oryzias. Ariosoma Selenops Arisoma selenops is a very beautiful fish and also delicious too. It is found generally in India but very seldom to find
Facts About Bees You Probably Didnt Know - Top Facts About Bees You Probably Didnt Know. We prefer to avoid contact with these insects and some people can’t even control themselves when see them and try to shoo them away or flick them off while the best they can do is “to get frozen” for awhile
Countries that didnt Exist 25 years Ago - Slovakia Following Slovakias independence in 1993, Bratislava seems in no hurry to become a bustling Central European metropolis. Following Czechoslovakia's Velvet Revolution in 1989, the Czech Republic and Slovakia finally sealed their Velvet Divorce in 1993
Most Dangerous Animal in the World - Animals can be cute, and they can be dangerous. Read our list to find out which animals are the most dangerous animals in the world. When you're out hiking or swimming in nature, what creatures do you dread encountering? Many of us automatically think of creatures with gnashing teeth or razor sharp claws