BEIKS English-Japanese Bidirectional Dictionary The comprehensive and carefully selected bi-directional English-Japanese dictionary for Google's Android, is designed to cover the needs of the English speaker challenged with colloquial Japanese in the field
Audio Collins Mini Gem Korean-Japanese & Japanese-Korean Dictionary (Android) is an up-to-date, easy-reference dictionary, ideal for learners of Korean and Japanese of all ages. The dictionary covers about 10,000 words from each language with Collins pre-recorded audio pronunciation for each word
Romaji is the Romanization of Japanese which is the pronunciation of Japanese words with English alphabet. So if you need to communicate in Japanese but do not know Japanese alphabet use PRomaji. Visit http://en.wikipedia
MSDict Oxford Beginner's Japanese Dictionary (Android)- This is a compact, easy to use, and completely up to date, a Japanese-English-Japanese Dictionary with over 10,000 words and over 14,000 translations, specially designed for English-speaking beginners learning Japanese or quick reference in both languages.
JISHOP will be very useful for anyone who studies Japanese or translates from Japanese.
JISHOP is a Japanese/English kanji and compound word dictionary. Its database contains information about 4800 kanji and 34000 words. JISHOP employs an original, element-based kanji search system.
In version 1
English Talking SlovoEd Compact English-Japanese & Japanese-English dictionary for Android- is a bilingual dictionary for Android containing the high-quality lexical databases from the world most famous publishers
Oxford Beginner's Japanese Dictionary for Android- Your essential companion to learning Japanese. Offering a comprehensive look at both languages, the Oxford Beginner’s Japanese Dictionary includes English-Japanese and Japanese-English dictionaries with about 10,000 words