Phone Number & Caller Locations - Know location of Incoming or Outgoing phone calls or any phone number (at Country/State/City level).
It enables you to browse your PhoneBook Contacts sorted by their locations (at Country/State/City level).
Note: This application will not show the actual physical location(i.e/ GPS location) of the caller
This is a widget app. It will help your kids to call you visually. The widget will show your contact photo and then a tap will bring the dialer for your kids to call to you. Kids identify visually much better than using the default contact app to look for parents numbers to dial out
PicDial: Facebook Picture Caller ID & SMS - PicDial brings Facebook picture POPUP texting and FULL SCREEN caller ID to your Android phone. Make your phone come alive by seeing your friends? most recent Facebook or MySpace profile picture & status when they text or call you
Print My Contacts - Print My Contacts lets you print/backup/restore your contacts. Make a pdf or an xls file of your contacts and print them out. Key Features: * BACKUP/RESTORE CONTACTS ACROSS ANDROID/IOS AND WINDOWS PHONE. * GET REMIDERS TO BACKUP YOUR CONTACTS. * DE-DUPE YOUR CONTACTS. NO MORE MULTIPLE CONTACTS FOR SAME PERSON. * EXPORT YOUR CONTACTS AS A