This program allows you to do a custom GZip of files on your PocketPC and allows you to select the GZiped file and execute the file/program in the application set for it in the PocketPC's registry
Zip Manager is powerful, intuitive and innovative zip utility designed to compress/decompress any type of files . This results in saving memory and increases the overall storage capacity of Pocket PC. It also saves connection time by sending compressed attachments via e-mail and IR
Spb Backup is the ultimate backup solution for creating reserve copies of data on your Pocket PC. It creates self-extracting compressed executables, thus making backup and restore processes very simple and intuitive. You can make full, custom and scheduled backups
BluetoothZIPer allows you to receive and compress and send files via Bluetooth. When you tap on a file to send via Bluetooth the program zips the file before sending to speed up the transfer. You can select the folder where the Bluetooth files are to be received and also send a file via Bluetooth. The program has a full service file manager
With ezyUnZIP you can view and extract information in the popular ZIP format directly on your Windows Mobile powered Pocket PC. By storing notes and documents in compressed format you can keep more information with you, thus increaasing the effectiveness of your handheld device
ShortenerIsgd allows you to enter or paste the URL from a website and uses the web shortener service to compress it. Enter the URL and tap the compress button to compress the URL. Tap the button next to the short URL to copy to the clipboard. This service is provided by v
GSFinder+ is a great File Manager and a perfect replacement for the default Windows CE/PocketPC File Explorer. GSFinder was first created by Y. Nagamidori as an open source application.
GSFinder+ is an advanced version of GSFinder made by M