AW French-Serbian Dictionary (Pocket PC) - French-Serbian Dictionary. 6931 entries. This dictionary contains the most used words. French Serbian Dictionary database based on Ergane 5.0 wordlists
AW French-Swahili Dictionary (Pocket PC) - French-Swahili Dictionary. 4208 entries. This dictionary contains the most used words. French Swahili Dictionary database based on Ergane 5
AW Greek-French Dictionary - Greek-French Dictionary. 5387 entries. This dictionary contains the most used words. Greek French Dictionary database based on Ergane 5.0 wordlists
AW Polish-French Dictionary (Pocket PC) - Polish-French Dictionary. 6274 entries. This dictionary contains the most used words. Polish French Dictionary database based on Ergane 5.0 wordlists
AW Serbian-French Dictionary (Pocket PC) - Serbian-French Dictionary. 8857 entries. This dictionary contains the most used words. Serbian French Dictionary database based on Ergane 5.0 wordlists
AW Portuguese-French Dictionary - Portuguese-French (Portugues-Frances, Portugais-Francais) Dictionary. 8545 entries. This dictionary contains the most commonly used words, perfect for low memory devices. Based on Ergane 5.0 wordlists. This dictionary requires you have installed RoadLingua software, which is included to the archive
Dictionnaire francais-anglais des expressions parlees - Si vous voyager a l'etranger et vous ne parlez pas la langue, ceci est un outil essential pour vous.
Ce glossaire francais-anglais avec des fonctions audio pour les Pocket PC est plus facile a utiliser que les dictionnaires normaux
AW French-Spanish Dictionary (Francais-Espagnols, Frances-Espanol) Dictionary. 3960 entries. This dictionary contains the most commonly used words, perfect for low memory devices. Based on Ergane 5.0 wordlists. This dictionary requires you have installed RoadLingua software, which is included to the archive