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Achivx Partner
AirHorn LOUD

AirHorn LOUD

Platforms: Pocket PC

Categories: Multimedia & Graphics

Upload date: 20 Apr 11

Developer: EdgeWay Software

License: Freeware

Downloads: 89
Download Free AirHorn LOUD 

Rating: 2.5/5 (Total votes: 2)

  AirHorn LOUD - I have engineered AirHorn LOUD to be, pound for pound one of the loudest you will hear on a smartphone, volume does of course vary depending on the hardware specs of your phone. More horns will be added in updates

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Supported operating systems: Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 7, Windows Phone 8

Other Software by developer «EdgeWay Software»:

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Timeit Simon - In this version not only do you remember the color sequence but also how long for each color, the better your timing the higher your score. See how your memory compares with the rest of the world with global scoring
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Burglar Alarm - Arm your phone, then place your phone, if anyone moves it, the alarm will sound. Ability to run under lock screen enables this App to continue monitoring after power button is pressed
Panorama StopWatchPanorama StopWatch
Panorama StopWatch allows you to run 4 stopwatches simultaneously using the panoramic viewing interface
Fart MachineFart Machine
Yep, another Fart App, but I had to do one ! this one is free and each fart comes with a pitch adjuster timer for varying effects
Bug ZapperBug Zapper
Bug Zapper - Keep those annoying bugs away with Bug Zapper you can set a range from 10Khz to 20Khz, set higher for bugs lower to 10Khz to annoy the heck out of everyone, this App has ability to run under Lock Screen allowing sound to still transmit after hitting power button saving battery power
QuickMarket - Search for Apps and Music in the MarketPlace HUBS directly from your start menu, no need to fire up MarketPlace wait for it to load and then search. Faster and more convinient, just pin to your start menu and your good to go
Service Please !Service Please !
Tap the bell and grab the clerk, get the attention of the waiter, nag your partner !
Virtual InstrumentsVirtual Instruments
Play a variety of muscial instruments on your phone using the musical notes CDEFGAB, play freestyle learn a tune from a variety of songs, have the computer play randomly, its great for kids and adults too
ConvertIt is a finger friendly interface that allows you to quickly and easily convert over 250 commonly used units into its other family of units. Heres how it works : select a category, select a unit, enter amount and hit convert. Convert Angles, Cooking, Data, Density, Electric current, Energy, Force, Length Mass, Power, Pressure, Speed, Temperature and Volume

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