Acquasys Pocket Decider is a complete decision software based on MCDA (Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis) model, designed for use on Pocket PC devices. Pocket Decider is very easy to use and can help in any scenario where a rational decision is needed.
Pocket Decider may be used equally well for small comparisons such as which car to buy, or for complex decision problems involving hundreds of options, criteria and opinions. For both cases, the process is very simple: build a list of the criteria and options, rate the options against the criteria and find your best choices instantly, anywhere.
Some Uses:
Compare products for purchasing or review
Buy a new car, house etc (templates included)
Choose a new job (template included)
Select a new employee (template included)
Select the best project to start (template included)
Choose a restaurant or the best place for an event (template included)
and many more!
Key features:
Unlimited number of options, criteria and opinions, with instant activation/deactivation
Weight based criteria and opinions
Weight leveling assistant for criteria
4 criterion types: numeric value, yes/no, textual and stars
Definable criteria restrictions
Criteria categories for better organization of a large number of items
Quick Entry Form for fast criteria/options/opinions inclusion
Dual opinion view (by option / by criterion)
Full Random Opinion mode
Simulation mode uses thousands of rating combinations to show you how they can affect your decision
Preferred Options and Preference Factor features can reflect your personal and emotional preferences in the analysis result
Password protection for decision files
Opinions can be locked, making their ratings invisible to everyone
Other customizable decision settings (number of choices, maximum rating and weight values, minimum score, score format etc)
Fully customizable decision templates (many included with the product)
Analysis result displayed as a ranking list, bar charts and report
A customizable HTML report can be used to view and publish decision data and results
Saves decision projects in encrypted and compressed files
Displays considerations about the analysis result and how to improve it
Try Pocket Decider now and see for yourself how it can turn you mobile device into a powerful decision tool, and how much time it can save in your day-to-day decisions!
In Trial mode, only three criteria, two options and one opinion can be analyzed simultaneously, and projects cannot be saved. All other functions are available, and there is no time limit. If you decide to purchase Pocket Decider, you can obtain a registration code here at Handango.
More information, screenshots, software manual and an alternative CAB installer can be found at
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Supported operating systems:
Windows Mobile 5.0, Windows Mobile 6 Classic, Windows Mobile 6 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.1 Classic, Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional
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