BattClock shows Time and Battery percentage above the top bar.
Very small in memory: 1 Kb in memory (check it with a task manager)
No CPU usage: 0.00 % CPU usage, check it with a task manager)
Very small on disk: BattClock.exe 17 Kb on disk, BattClock
Pocket Device Power Manager - will help you easily manage the energy consumption of your device. With Pocket Device Power Manager you can switch off the screen of your device using only one touch.
1. Turn off the device screen
Allows the device significantly save battery power when you use it as player or radio
WisBar Advance Desktop replaces your existing Today screen. You can create shortcuts, system meters, floating windows and virtual pages to extend the functionality of your PocketPC.WisBar Advance Desktop also supports most existing Today plugins. You can arrange them on multiple pages in order to maximize their usefulness
Spb Pocket Plus - The most powerful Today plug-in with tabs. Close button that really closes. ZIP support in File Explorer. And many other features missing in official OS updates in one product
phoneAlarm is a Today Screen plugin providing repeating alarms when Email/SMS, missed calls, or voice mail is waiting or when the phone signal or battery is too weak.
· Provides repeating alarms and escalating sound on new SMS/Email, missed calls & voice messages
· 7 Custom Phone profiles with manual / time-based automatic switching
Battery Pack Pro-Battery life, memory space, network connection, world time, weather and more. Everything you need, displayed on your today screen. Battery Pack Pro allows you to fully customize your today screen with the things that matter most to you. Personalize the tab view by adding as many programs as you like and launch them with a single click