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SciLors GrooveMobile Alpha

SciLors GrooveMobile Alpha
Version: 13 updated

Platforms: Pocket PC

Categories: Multimedia & Graphics

Upload date: 2 Jul 10


License: Freeware

Downloads: 3930

File Size: 1014 Kb
Download Free SciLors GrooveMobile Alpha 

Rating: 3.0/5 (Total votes: 59)


SciLors GrooveMobile Alpha is a grooveshark(tm).com player for Windows Mobile. Now with local playlists, online playlists and an update checker! More updates coming!

SciLor's GrooveMobile Quickstart

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Update Description:

Alpha v13(2010-06-30)
-Enhancement: Better SIP opening and closing
-Enhancement: New revision
-Feature: Popular Search

Update Description:

Alpha v12(2010-06-23)
-Enhancement: New revision
-Fix: Crash on ending song while playlist is empty and playlist repeat is on (Thanks fly out to ryanbruce@xda)
-Fix: Language specific characters fixed (letters with circumflexes, points, umlauts etc.)

Alpha v11(2010-06-01)
-Fix: Crash on broken settings file
-Enhancement/Fix: Using "country/cowbell" variable. May fix wrong songs in search (please report if it is working!)
-New: Visit SciLor's Website (Usefull on updates!)

Alpha v10(2010-04-29)
-Fix: Crash on missing internet connection on startup(Moved the cookie grabbing to just in time)!
-Fix: Some big changes on grooveshark(tm).com to lock us out ;)
-Removed: Support for loading old playlists in 'jso' format. (The convert routine was corrupted, so all playlists converted were empty... stupid SciLor, but therefore it is an alpha)

Alpha v9(2010-04-22)
-Enhancement: Better debug on token exceptions.
-Fix: grooveshark(tm).com started to ask for a cookie...

Alpha v8(2010-04-15)
-Enhancement: GrooveFix.xml for easy fix for token and client problems.
-Fix: New clientRevision on grooveshark(tm).com
-Fix: New staticRandomizer on grooveshark(tm).com

Alpha v7(2010-04-12)
-Feature: Random Play (Very simple, so double songs may occur ;))
-Feature: Repeat Playlist
-Feature: Display off option in the menu, to allow WiFi etc. running...
-Feature/Change: Moved the GUI-Images out of the Ressources into the "img"-directory to allow skinning :)
-Fix: Typo -> Continous Play ;)
-Change: The Shark got headphones...

Alpha v6(2010-03-24)
-Enhancement: Swiping fingers should now work fine in landscape (The event is triggered if you swipe more than the half of the width/height of the screen, not only the width)
-Change: New Playlist files due to new options available (AlbumArts for example and more, for future use, but old ones get converted)
-Fix: New clientRevision on grooveshark(tm).com

Alpha v5(2010-03-16)
-Enhancement: More-menu with options for showing the playlist and your search results. (Swiping left/right still works!)
-Feature: Download your grooveshark(tm).com playlists

Alpha v4(2010-03-15)
-Enhancement: Gzip-Compression option (Disabled by default).
-Change: Hide search-box if it is not needed
-Change: Replaced save-textbox with a combobox ;)
-Fix: random "index"-Crash due to missing RemovePlaylistsItem-Handling

Alpha v3(2010-03-09)
-Enhancement: Added continuous play ;)
-Enhancement: Added (local) playlists that are saved on exit and loaded on startup, and playlists that you can load and save yourself :)
-Enhancement: Last search is remembered and loaded on startup :)
-Enhancement: Updated Bass.
-Enhancement: SciLor's UpdateChecker(Please do not check once a minute!).
-Change/Enhancement: Reordered the Menu, ask on exit

Alpha v2(2010-03-07)
-Change: Now Groovefish based.

Alpha (2010-03-02)
-Initial Release

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If you got an error while installing Themes, Software or Games, please, read FAQ.

Supported operating systems: Windows Mobile 5.0, Windows Mobile 6 Classic, Windows Mobile 6 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.1 Classic, Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional
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