Ramen-A really simple cooking timer with five preset buttons, the values of buttons can be changed. This program supports 5-way navigation buttons, and jog dial. Update Description:
- Changed download link. The old link is broken now
Workout Metronome- does the counting for you when doing repetitive exercises, such as sit-ups.
Workout Metronome allows you to set the number of sets, repetitions in each set the interval between repetitions the hold time and the rest time after each set and the number of seconds before a set starts to notify you
Timer is a Palm application to sound alarms at regular intervals, optionally waiting for each alarm to be acknowledged before starting the timer for the next. This is useful for people who need to take tablets N hours apart, for example. It should run on anything with at least Palm OS 4.0, and was made with prc-tools. As it's very simple, it's public domain
RTOne is a stopwatch application, written in yBasic (HotPaw BASIC).
It will record lap times and avg lap speed for up to 100 laps. (if you need more than that, modify the source yourself. after all, it's included free).
After stopping the sw, you can export data to the Palm memopad
Hours was developed in order to keep track of my working hours. hours is a database program where you can create multiple databases to hold information about your working hours. there is also a pdb2csv converter. so you can convert the databases and view them with a spreadsheet desktop application
Any chess player knows the importance of having a clock to hand in order to time each player's moves.
Game Timer gives you the ability to keep track of these times using your Palm device. It couldn't be simpler to use - you have two time displays, one for each player, along with a 'Switch' button