Bluefire Reader - Download our FREE app and start reading your favorite eBooks on your Android 2.2, 2.3, 3.1 and beyond devices! We built this App because we wanted to provide book lovers like us with the freedom to choose where we buy books and how we read them.
Shop at a variety of top eBook retailers right inside our app and immediately download your purchases
eBookTownAndroidVersion: Upload date: 12 Nov 11 Tags: Reading
The eBookTown(e書城) reader is free. You may read the ebooks purchased from the eBookTown portal. In the Cloud and Local bookshelves, you can sort books by title, author and purchased date
With the Ambling BookPlayer you can automatically download hundreds of free audiobooks. It supports chapter based navigation with full chapter titles, seamless and automatic handling of many audio files as a single audiobook, quick jump navigation buttons, and play history tracking with undo and redo.
This is the Lite edition of the Ambling BookPlayer
BookManager is a book management application.
・Register by bar code reader.
・Register by continuous scanning function.
・Register by ISBN import.
・Various list formats.
・Various search methods.
・Various sort.
・Support multiple author.
・Support multiple labels.
Ambling BookPlayer Pro - The premium player for listening to your audio books. Download thousands of free classic audiobooks from amblingbooks or listen to books from your SD card
DaisyReader - A collaborative project to create an open-source electronic book reader that will support various formats including DAISY and epub content. Currently the software is limited to supporting Daisy 2.02 format 'Talking Books', thankfully there are 100,000's of these books available from various sources, particularly in Europe
Inktera makes it easy to find, purchase and read today’s most popular eBook titles wherever and whenever you want.
Find and purchase thousands of popular eBooks from all the major publishers and tons of independents. Browse and search bestsellers, new releases, lists, popular authors and categories
DNL eBook Reader is a simple yet powerful eBook and ePub reader built to satisfy your mobile reading experience.
DNL reader also support purchases made from which features eBooks from major publishers and authors around the world