TwityfrogGPS allows you to share pictures/videos in real time with GPS tags on When a new picture/video is detected in the camera folder the media is uploaded to the website with your GPS and a tweet on twitter with your GPS. This service is provided by ImageShack
TwityfrogOffloader allows you to store your camera's videos/pictures remotely on the website. Each time you take a picture or create a video the program will upload the media to and create a Tweet and LNK file. The program also allows you the option of deleting the local file. This service is provided by ImageShack
TwityfrogVideos allows you to upload and share videos from your PocketPC camera in real time on the website. Each time you take a video the program will upload the picture to and create a Tweet on Twitter with your message. The program allows you to set the video format type e.g. Mp4/3GP. This service is provided by ImageShack
VideoFTPer allows you to rapidly upload videos from your PocketPC camera in real time to the public/private folders of a secure remote FTP server. The program checks the storage folder of your PocketPC camera for videos and when a new video is detected in the folder the program then FTP uploads the file to the FTP server