Freebo is topics search tool.
Just pick your interest and have fun reading, learning and surfing various data.
Our vision is to provide users with best topic search tool for everyday use.
Our mission is continuous development of "Freebo" in two directions, enhancing usability of search tool interface and continuous quality upgrade of search result information's.
So stay tuned for future versions. "Freebo" will get better and better.
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Freebo is based on Freebase database (which keeps growing larger everyday) and here are
some numbers:
46 000 000 + overall topics and counting, for which you can get info using Freebo
search tool, so pick your interest between:
Music (30M), Books (6M) ,Media (5M) ,People (3M), Film (2M) Locations (1M),
also Business (1M), Fictional universe(1M), Organizations (900K),Biology (900K+),
Sports (484K), Awards (401K), Education (246K), Time (167K), Government (153K), Soccer
(145K), Architecture (135K), Medicine (131K), Video Game (124K), Projects (115K),
Physical Geography (81K), Visual Art (75K), Olympics (73K),Internet (69K),
Military (68K), Theater (64K), Transportation (62K), Influence (51K),
Protected Places (50K), Periodicals (48K), Broadcast (46K), Food & Drink (40K),
Royalty and Nobility (36K), Travel (33K), Astronomy (33K), Aviation (33K), Boats (29K),
American football (28K), Baseball (24K), Events (23K),
and further
Law, Computers, Library, Religion, Chemistry, Cricket, Basketball, Symbols, Comics,
Language, Ice Hockey,Automotive,Exhibitions,Martial Arts,Opera, Games
Other futures:
- simple and fast topic search
- topic description
- topics image gallery
- reverse and master topics of selected search
- relevant web links related to topics
- share topics image and description
- search history (breadcrumbs)
