Flashlight 7 - An easy to use, feature rich torch that uses the phone's screen as light source. Comes with different colors, SOS, stroboscope and police mode. Brightness can be adjusted and does not get turned off by the lock screen.
Swipe up or down the screen to adjust brightness or change the speed of stroboscope or police lights
Strobe Light - How to use:
Swipe screen to go to the next strobe pattern. The strobe patterns available are: green blue, red green, blue, red. In addition, a animated candle and flash light are included.
Recommended Settings:
The strobing light is most prominent in dark room with the brightness level to set to high (Settings > Brightness > Level)
Taschenlampe - "Taschenlampe" ist eine einfach zu bedienende Taschenlampen-App fur Windows Phone 7. Neben der Standard-Taschenlampe konnen Sie weitere, verschiedenfarbige Taschenlampen auswahlen (per Update erhalten Sie regelmaisig neue Farben)
FlashLight - A simple app to turn your screen to bright white, so it can be used as a FLashLight!
Will come in handy when you want to work/search something in the dark.
A version where you can control brightness and color of the screen is coming soon..