WM Notes WM Notes - Application de gestion de notes rapides.
Simple et facile a utiliser.
Aucun compte a creer.
Les notes sont stockees sur le telephone.
Application gratuite sans publicite
EDiary Free EDiary Free - Ever thought of keeping track of your memories captured in your phone? Then eDiary is the application you want.
eDiary helps you write your daily diary or journal in various formats you like. You can add text, pictures and voice memos when you write your diary.
Easy to use flick interface makes browsing diary for the past days pleasant experience
Smart Note Free Smart Note - Due to the simplicity of this program you can create notes with both the keyboard and freehand and organize them in different colors and marked as favorites. You can also do advanced searches and sorts on every note
Quick Easy Notes - free Quick Easy Notes - free - Need to write down a QUICK note? Say a license plate number, or your parking spot. This application is for Quick and Easy notes. Notes you do not want to keep forever. This program is small in size and memory usage. No need to load your notes or save. When you exit the program it is saved automatically
Notatki Notatki - Jesli potrzebujesz na szybko zapisac informacje to ta aplikacja jest dla Ciebie. "Notatki" to aplikacja ktora umozliwia w latwy i przyjemny sposob stworzyc swoja wlasna liste notatek. Notatka moze zawierac nie tylko teks ale rowniez zdjecia i nagrania audio
Erminder Erminder will manage one-line notes for anything. erminder is as an evolutionary way to deal with mental notes.
This app integrates with and complements the www.erminder.com website. One you have an account on the website, this application allows you to quickly and easily record notes about things and recall them whenever and wherever you need
Simple Notebook This application will allow you to write notes and save them.Similar to a TODO list
Simple Notes Simple Notes - This basic note taker is very functional for daily tasks, notes, or goals. It will save your notes in an aesthetically pleasing manner, matching the accent color of your phone.
Notes can also be typed in landscape mode
Private Messages Private Messages - Keep in private your confidential notes and messages, when the app first launches register the user and the password, after that you will introduce that information each time the app starts and you will have 30 messages protected with that user/password
CheckIt CheckIt - Its A Simple Application For Checking The Status Of AirIndia Flight full domestic, International and Flight Status etc,
And Also Provide IndianRailway, PNR Status , Full Detailed Railway Queries And Your Ip If Redquired
BeFit A small App for Yoga , Very Innovative Technique Like