Magic Crystal Ball - Facing a dilemma in life? Uncertain about your future? Just let the Magic Crystal Ball give you the answers. Concentrate hard and ask the crystal ball a 'Yes' or 'No' question.
In time you will believe in its powers
Mon Horoscope Du Jour - L'application Mon Horoscope du Jour, directement issue du 1er site d'Astrologie francais, optimisee pour une navigation plus simple et fluide sur les Windows phones.
Nos contenus sont exclusifs et produits quotidiennement par des astrologues professionnels certifies. Avec Mon horoscope du Jour, pas de mauvaise surprise TOUT est 100% Gratuit
My horoscope - Get your daily horoscope in a nice application with a design experience.
You view your sign by exploring one of four zodiac element. The application is designed to allow you to go quickly on your sign and all others signs are also available for you and your friends
New Horoscope FREE - Consult the celestial bodies to determine your path in life everyday.
The New Horoscope follows the Eastern Oriental Astrology using the sidereal zodiac.
It includes all 13 signs with the addition of Ophiuchus.
This fast and easy representation of your horoscope give you the answers in a glimpse for work, friends and family relationships or love
Number Mind Europe - From quantitative numerology to simplified qualitative numerology...
Pythagoras instigated quantitative numerology, which he standardized after imbibing the teachings of Egyptian priests for a very long time.
Traditional Latin-based western numerology is based on 9 numbers (1-9).
Quantitative numerology uses only the left hemisphere of the brain