Pound Count - Want to know how much pound you got ? Use Pound Count to know easily without even thinking how much you have. The use of the application is simple : tap on the coin or note you have in your hand to add it to the total and know the final value
Convertisseur Franc Euro - Nostalgique de notre ancienne monnaie, le franc ? Oiš alors malgre les annees passees avec l'Euros vous aimez toujours savoir i combien cela correspondait avant ? Alors ce petit utilitaire est fait pour vous, il permet de passer de franc en euro et d'euro en franc tres facilement et tres rapidement
Panoramic Converter Pro gives you quick access to over 150 world currency rates and over 3000 unit conversions in 17 categories making it one of the most comprehensive converters for your Windows Phone while still being easy to use
Currency Converter This neat little Currency Converter offers you 62 different currencies to convert to and from.
Instead of having to select from a long list of currencies, you pick the ones you use the most. You can add or remove currencies at any time.
But this is not just an ordinary Currency Converter