Currency Convert - A tool to convert one monetary unit into another. Very simple process, just select the from currency, to currency, and specify the amount
Currency Exchange Rates - This application displays the exchange rates of USD , EUR and INR with the other currencies in the world. The application gives the updated exchange rates with the information of the time and date when the update was made . The application is useful to get the updated exchange values of currencies
BAM Converter - This is universal currency converter for all major world currencies, using rate data from European Central Bank RSS Feed. There are 2 features that distinct this app from similar applcations already in Marketplace:
1. BAM Converter supports fully offline mode.
2. Users can manually add currencies to the list
This app connects to the web services of the main bak of Costa Rica (Banco Central de Costa Rica), downloads the latest dollar exchange rate and sets up a calculator that converts Colons to Dollars
Easy Currency Converter is a handy tool that helps you get the latest conversion rates for currencies in an instant. All you need is an active connection to the internet. It also has an option where you can get information about currency codes for various nations
Y.E.S. Converter - This application is free tool that includes:
- currency converter
- tip calculator
- unit converter
Currency converter can work offline, but you always able to download new currency rates from the web by one single click. Most of existing currencies are supported.
With tip calculator you can easily calculate tips in restaurants