UCube Mobile BI - The uCube Mobile BI allows you to access your main business indicators from anywhere, anytime.
If you're in a meeting, or in transit anywhere in the world, strategic data travel with you.
With just a touch of the screen you quickly discover trends and variances of their business goals
Gelbe Seiten - Uberall schnell und einfach den passenden Dienstleister finden.
Ob Restaurant, Hotel oder Handwerker - die umfassende Gelbe Seiten Datenbank ermoglicht eine Suche von Dienstleistern in vollig neuer Prazision und Qualitat fur Windows Phone 7 Nutzer
Bati-Journal - Bati-journal.com est le site d'information continue des professionnels du Batiment
Vous y trouverez les fils de l'actualite professionnelle des divers secteurs du Batiment..
Iiesp - El Instituto de la Ingenieria de Espana es la Federacion de Asociaciones de ingenieros. Integra a mas de 100.000 ingenieros de las diversas especialidades, que desarrollan su actividad en las diversas Comunidades Autonomas del Estado, tanto en el ambito privado como el publico
TVMoniCal_WP - It can help you with calculating the sizes of TVs or Monitors in your home or office.
* Automatically calculates width, height or size, by type in a value of any of them
* All ratios supported, including customizing ratios.
* Convert values between centimeter and inch