Craigslist deLUXE Lite - Craigslist deLUXE Lite is a fast, intuitive, sophisticated organization of Craigslist for your Windows phone. With this intelligent application, one can browse all Craigslist's categories and listings, add favorites, save searches, view maps to locate listings, and share favorite listings with friends
FtsMind - FtsMind - Die Mind-Map-Applikation fur unterwegs.
Mit Mind-Maps jederzeit Ideen aufzeichnen und strukturieren.
Die Maps werden am Phone erstellt und bearbeitet. Sie konnen per E-Mail zum PC geschickt und danach mit dem Freeware-Programm FreeMind weiterbearbeitet werden
Mobile InsightPocket PCVersion: Upload date: 12 Mar 11 Tags:
Mobile Insight Note: Use of Mobile Insight requires an enterprise license, login and password for portal version 3.4.
Mobile Insight Version 3.4.0 release provides the following enhancements, improved performance, reporting features, new Dynamic Form builder with enhanced workflow features
Mobile Insight is a real-time field team support, reporting and intelligence application that instantly communicates store visit updates and issues between field and corporate team members, provides scheduling and analysis capabilities, and enables field teams to be more productive
My Daily Planner is the perfect tool to organize your life and improve your productivity. My Daily Planner helps organize two types of things: events and tasks. Events include basic options like start/end times, location, duration, notes, as well as advanced options such as Reoccurring selections, All Day ability, Color selections and Reminder notifications
My Life app helps parents easily and quickly manage family details, capture and record special moments and keep track of what's up next for loved ones.
Family and Friends: view and store the important information including birthdays, gift ideas, Twitter and Facebook information.
Memories: record and save important milestones and memories
MyThings (lite) - One of the most useful app on Windows Phone is now available as a lite and limited version!
Simplify your everyday life with MyThings (lite) for Windows Phone 7
Nexsure Mobile - The Nexsure Mobile Windows Phone Application empowers "On-The-Go" agency executives and producers with Real-Time information from Nexsure - the Internet Agency Management System. It facilitates on-the-spot decision making, and improves and speeds client communications, meetings, and business planning