Decouvrez le portail pour les familles musulmanes ! Maternage, education, instruction en famille, mais egalement idees sorties, lecture et shopping. Des billets parlant du developpement durable,
Developed by Tech Guerrillas
The app theme is "prostration for the repentance of doing some mistakes in Salat". The material is taken from the authentic books of Hanafi Sect and the Ahadith
Prayforme - The ministry founded by Moses Jangam operates from Hyderabad, India to give hope to the people, who are sick and troubled with diverse problems and heal the Broken Heart, Soul and Body through its Mission.
Jesus loved His Father and communicated with Him often. He prayed for wisdom and guidance in His earthly ministry - - der Sender des Erzbistums Koln - sendet seit Pfingsten 2000 und ist der erste kirchliche Sender in offizieller Tragerschaft eines Bistums.
Dabei ist der Sendername auch ein Stuck weit Programm: domradio berichtet uberwiegend zu christlichen, ethischen und sozialen Themen
GurbaniSearcher - All content of this application is in Punjabi. This is used to search gurbani and read the daily prayers in Gurmukhi. Also have an option to add shabads to favourite for quick reference
Divine Mercy - Are you a Catholic desiring a PLENARY INDULGENCE?* This application WILL HELP YOU GET ONE.
This application features:
* Novena intentions for the day
* A novena assistant which:
- Directs and helps you through the Divine Mercy
- Lists the prayers for you to follow along