Pssst! Free password management tool was designed with the goal of providing an easy and intuitive way to manage your passwords. With that in mind, an easier passcode methods was created.
Pssst! makes use of a color-coded pattern to secure and encrypt your data. Simply enter your chosen color sequence on the passcode entry panel to access your accounts
Rehash Free - Use multiple passwords online WITHOUT saving or remembering more than one password!
Online security begins with maintaining a separate password for every online site, but who wants to remember all those passwords? And how can you be sure a stored list wouldn't get lost, stolen or hacked? Rehash provides the solution
Secure ID Free is your one stop solution to secured password manager and data vault on your phone. You can store sensitive information in a highly customizable way to suit your needs using this application. It protects your passwords, financials, and personal information from unauthorized access by securing your data using 256 bit AES encryption
SecurePasswordCreator is a program for creating secure passwords for all your login systems. It can provide a secure password using a specialized password algorithm that will provide secure and long passwords according to new IT security profiles. Furthemore the app will make it possible to store your passwords and retrieve them using the phone in a secure way
StrongBox - Wallet, Password Manager is a digital wallet and a password manager cloud service; passwords, credit cards and account numbers seamlessly follow you on your phone or desktop.
It is a secure, cloud enabled, private information storage service offering auto sync, redundancy and backup for your data, with zero-setup