MysteriousMath - Mysterious Math allows you to generate and check some of the mysterious numbers in Mathematics. You can generate and check for
1. Armstrong Number
2. Perfect Number
3. Kaprekar Number
4. Ramanujam Number
5. Amicable Numbers
If you dont know what these numbers are you can go through "Help" provide under each number
Magic Equations - Finding it boring to sove maths problems ? Is arithemetic giving you nightmares at night? Fear no more,as you can enjoy
can henceforth enjoy every step of maths.Play against various monsters and defeat them through your maths skills
Mental Maths - Mathematics is considered is difficult subject most students in the world.
This Application Mainly concerntrates on Learning Basic Maths with Fun
NumbersConvertor - This application will convert any number up to 10 digits in decimal ("normal" numbers, 10 base) to any requred base from 2 up to 10.
Future enhancements:
1. Ability to convert numbers to bases higher then 10
2. Ability to choose different base to convert from
SI Calculator - It provides following fields
principal value
rate of interest per annum
final ammount.
enter the data that you have and rest will be calculated if given data is sufficient and consistent.
Useful for students of class 6 and 7 to cross check their work of the topic in maths(SI)