Multiply7 - With Multiply 7, your children will learn multiplication tables playing with a game where operations (e.g. 9x7) are falling like bombs. You must quickly type the good result (63 for 9x7) if you want to destoy the 9x7 bomb
Math Skillz - Randomly creates flash cards to help beginning math students practice their fundamentals for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Read the flash card, determine the answer in your head and then press the Peek button to see if you are right before you view the next card
Ackermannfunktion - Die Ackermannfunktion ist eine 1926 von Wilhelm Ackermann gefundene, extrem schnell wachsende mathematische Funktion, mit deren Hilfe in der theoretischen Informatik Grenzen von Computer- und Berechnungsmodellen aufgezeigt werden konnen. 1926 vermutete David Hilbert, dass jede berechenbare Funktion primitiv-rekursiv sei
NumberTap - What's Tappenin'?
You love maths and you love being better than people at maths. Now you can do both and on your phone why not! NumberTap pits you and your mad math skills against the rest of the world in a fast paced number tapping math frenzy