EHBO - Important: The content and interface of this application is completely in Dutch.
Dutch Description
Weet wat je moet doen bij een ongeval! Met deze app heb je de juiste EHBO instructies altijd op zak.
Van brandwond tot valpartij, van vergiftiging tot verstuiking
White Noise Generator procedurally produces colored noise to help you read, study or sleep. If your environment is too distracting, or your thoughts are too chaotic then try listening to some noise. This application produces strictly colored noise - not ocean waves or nature sounds
YogaForHer - This app seeks to bring to you easy Yoga aasanas for common of majorily 'HER' health ailments right at your fingertips. You would go Ga Ga over its Content, UI & the music in background which makes you feel Yoga when it runs
Herbal Plants - Plants around us are very useful to us. They not only add to the aesthetic appeal of the environment, but also are helpful for medicinal purposes. With this app you can get information about the various Herbal Plants and the ways in which they can be used as a cure
Ab Workouts Lite is a tool to do quick and customizable ab workouts. The workouts include 30 second intervals of different ab exercises until the whistle signals for you to switch. Afterwards check out your history to keep track of your workouts.
Additional exercises soon to come with updates