MoneyManagerPro - #### will cost 1.99 $ ####
Keep on hand you financial balance and save your ENCRYPTED data on SkyDrive!
"Money Manager Pro" is a powerful and easy app projected and realized with the goal of let you always have an updated balance of your financial balance by tracking all of your financial flows
1App Budget - 1App Budget is a personal finance app to track accounts and transactions. It offers support for budgeting and allow graphical analysis of your transactions.
1. Simple account, transaction and budget entry.
2. Assign transactions to accounts and categories.
3. Recurring transactions.
4. View all historical transactions for every account
FuelExpense - Would you want to know how much a trip costs? Whether it's a daily trip or a vacation trip. Fuel Expense will do that for you. Enter the distance you're traveling, the MPG of your vehicle, and the price of gas and Fuel Expense will tell you what that trip costs
ArgentPocket PCVersion: Upload date: 19 Aug 11 Tags: Finance
Argent - Argent makes it super easy to track your expenses and incomes! In a few clicks, you can register an expense or income. It gives you a clear overview of your expenses and allows your to you to export your transactions via email
STROMBOXXPocket PCVersion: Upload date: 19 Aug 11 Tags: Finance
STROMBOXX - In Zeiten steigender Energiepreise, sowohl Strom als auch Warme, sind viele Nutzer bereit, das Verbrauchsverhalten zu andern.
Durch Nachrusten von Hardware, bspw. dem Austausch von herkommlichen statischen Heizungsthermostaten durch funkbasierte, kann der Warmebedarf flexibel an den Lebensstil angepasst werden
My Budget Free - My Budget Lite is a very intuitive and user friendly monthly expense tracking system. The application lets you to customize your own categories, to set your monthly budget, and to navigate through previous months expenses
Iron Wallet is a handy application that stores all your passwords and credit cards. All records are encrypted for security and the application requires a master password
Friendly Expense - The trip last month with your friends was lot of fun; Last weekend football game was exciting and you still haven't gotten your voice back