Endangered Words Endangered Words - The application is in Danish.
Applikationen indeholder en liste over de danske ord, der er i fare for at blive fjernet fra det danske sprog. For at forhindre dette skal vi begynde at bruge ordene. Derfor vil applikationen forsla et random truet ord, som du kan bruge i lobet af dagen
Tu nombre en Egipcio Aprende como escribiría un antiguo egipcio tu nombre usando jeroglíficos
I-Italian Essential phrases for you to study Italian,Clear audio recordings,very easy to use,Quick and useful!
Phrasal Verbs Phrasal Verbs - Guia de bolso (GB) com os principais Phrasal Verbs para ajuda-lo nos momentos mais dificeis (viagens, aulas, etc..)
*** Comentem/solicitem para ajudar a melhorar cada vez mais esta serie de apps
I Speak Spanish I Speak Spanish - This application will help you learn basic nouns in English. There are approximately 1000 words split into 32 categories. A clean user interface that uses the same color theme as your phone.
Esta aplicacion te ayudara a aprender vocabulario basico en ingles. Hay aproximadamente 1.000 palabras repartidas en 32 categorias
Other Software by developer «MagicApps»:
Word Mints Word Mints (TM) is a curiously addictive word game. Test your wits by unscrambling letters and locating as many words as you can.
Log in with Facebook and compete in the ongoing world wide tournament! Also earn mint coins (to be used to purchase game content in a future update), gain experience, and level up along the way. Stats tracking enables you to watch your progress
Quotebook Quotebook is an exciting new way to discover and enjoy quotes from around the world from amazing luminaries! Earn coins and gain experience by rating each quote; then use your coins to purchase additional quote packs. Easily share your favorite quotes with the people you care about most through integrated Facebook posts, Twitter tweets, SMS texts, or email
Word Mints - Halloween Edition Word Mints - Halloween Edition - Enjoy Word Mints Tournament Edition (TM) by playing online against other players in real time. Word Mints Tournament Edition (TM) is a curiously addictive word game. Test your wits by unscrambling letters and locating as many words as you can
Word Mints Word Mints - Enjoy Word Mints Tournament Edition (TM) by playing online against other players in real time. Word Mints Tournament Edition (TM) is a curiously addictive word game. Test your wits by unscrambling letters and locating as many words as you can
Word Mints - Butterfly Edition Word Mints - Butterfly Edition is a curiously addictive word game. Test your wits by unscrambling letters and locating as many words as you can. Word Mints includes 3 different game modes:
* Normal - allows you to accumulate points over multiple rounds of game play while racing against the clock
Word Mints - Tournament Edition Word Mints - Tournament Edition - Word Mints is a curiously addictive word game. Test your wits by unscrambling letters and locating as many words as you can. Compete in the daily contest and with Word Mints fans from around the globe
Word Mints Word Mints (TM) is a curiously addictive word game.
Test your wits by unscrambling letters and locating as many words as you can.
Log in with Facebook and compete in the ongoing world wide tournament! Also earn mint coins (to be used to purchase game content in a future update), gain experience, and level up along the way
Word Mints Word Mints - Enjoy Word Mints Tournament Edition (TM) by playing online against other players in real time. Word Mints Tournament Edition (TM) is a curiously addictive word game. Test your wits by unscrambling letters and locating as many words as you can
Word Mints - Farm Edition Word Mints - Farm Edition - Word Mints - Farm Edition (TM) is a curiously addictive word game. Based on the original Word Mints (TM) app, Word Mints - Farm Edition (TM) enhances game play. Test your wits by unscrambling letters and locating as many words as you can