Time Calculator provides you with 4 different calculation methods (plus, minus, multiply, divide) so that you can find the differences between laps or any random timing.
Normal calculator may have this function, but knowing many people don't usually bring calculator out, unless to school, this mobile application serves your need on the go.
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Supported operating systems:
Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 7, Windows Phone 8
Equacoes Equacoes - O objetivo do aplicativo e obter a partir dos valores das constantes: A, B e C o valor das raizes de uma equacao, a soma e o produto delas, o x e o y do vertice da funcao e apresentar a equacao, ou demonstrar uma equacao do 1 grau e o valor de x
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While in division and subtraction one has to take care of order in which they fill the data
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Date And Day Calculator Date And Day Calculator - A free application that allows you to find the days between two dates, and also the date after doing plus or minus operation on specified date
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After specifying a year to view, data will be downloaded and cached for future offline viewing hence faster access and won't consume any data service.
Data per year is about 5KB only on average