Thank you all for using this scientific calculator, and I truly appreciate your valuable comments.
The new version 1.2 includes operator precedence, and some bug fixes. [For ex: As mentioned in one of the reviews, 2+3*4 is now 14 and not 20. Use the parenthesis to override the operator precedence.]
Please continue to comment on any bugs or feature requests, and I will be glad to address them in future updates.
Version 1.3 [Coming soon...] will include HEX, OCT and BIN support.
A featured scientific calculator which gives you the look and feel of a real scientific calculator, on your Windows Phone 7.
Features include:
>> Basic Arithmetic operations.
>> Percentage calculations.
>> Powers and Roots
>> Exponential and Logarithmic functions
>> Trigonometric functions in degrees and radians
>> Factorials
>> Integer and Fraction modules
>> Parenthesis to specify order of operations
>> Operator precedence
>> Dual Display
>> M+, M-, MS, MR and MC memory operations
>> Previous result button.
>> -1.79769313486232e308 to 1.79769313486232e308 Range
>> Constant support and improvement to add new features.
Please feel free to comment on any feature requests or existing bugs. Thanks
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Supported operating systems:
Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 7, Windows Phone 8
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