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Achivx Partner
RPN+Tip Calc

RPN+Tip Calc
Version: 1.0

Platforms: Pocket PC

Categories: Business & Profession, Finance, Science & Education

Upload date: 17 Mar 11


License: Freeware

Downloads: 150
Download Free RPN+Tip Calc 

Rating: 2.7/5 (Total votes: 6)

  RPN+Tip Calc - Basic RPN calculator with 10 memories and a tax/tip calculator.

The <-- key corrects numbers during data entry and drops numbers from the stack at other times. (Long-press clears the entire stack.)

Numbers are displayed with 2 significant digits to the right of the decimal and one insignificant digit, which are shown only if non-zero and appear in faded text. You can adjust this with a long-press of the decimal key.

To put a number into memory, press STO then a digit to select the memory; recall by pressing RCL then a digit. (Long-press STO to clear all memories.)

Indicators below the display show which memories are in use and how many numbers are on the stack.

The % key acts like that of a calculator, not a computer. So, it replaces the X value with Y*X/100, leaving both the new X and the old Y on the stack (instead of leaving X/100 on the stack, like a computer would).

Long-press % to display the Tax+Tip screen with adjustable sales tax and tip rates. Tap one of the totals to see the tax and tip breakdown at the bottom.

The stack, memories, and all state information is preserved between uses.

Enter > Equals.


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Supported operating systems: Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 7, Windows Phone 8
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RPN+Tip Calc is compatible with your device Acer Liquid Jade Primo LTE Dual SIM
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