Atlyginimu skaiciuokle - Application is in Lithuanian language
Calculate the salary and compare it with the Lithuanian average!
Salary calculator - an application designed to evaluate the job cost, calculate salaries before and after taxes as well as individual activity taxes.
Specify salaries and the calculator will automatically calculate the required taxes to pay and wages before and after taxes. Specify individual activity income and expenses and find out the required taxes to pay.
Using the salary calculator statistics you can find out :
- average wage and changes over the years;
- unemployment rates;
- average wage by municipality;
- average wage by economic activity.
Note: Internet access is required for statistics updates. The calculation results is not stored in application.
Suskaiciuokite atlyginima ir palyginkite ji su Lietuvos vidurkiu!
Atlyginimu skaiciuokle - programa, skirta ivertinti darbo vietos kaina, apskaiciuoti ismokama atlyginima "i rankas" / priskaiciuota atlyginima "ant popieriaus", autorini atlyginima "i rankas" / "ant popieriaus" bei individualios veiklos mokescius.
Nurodykite atlyginima ("ant popieriaus" ar "i rankas") ir skaiciuokle automatiskai paskaiciuos privalomus moketi mokescius bei atlyginima pries ir po mokesciu.
Naudojantis atlyginimu skaiciuokles statistika galima suzinoti:
- vidutini darbo uzmokesti ir jo kitimo istorija Lietuvoje;
- salies nedarbo lygio statistika;
- vidutini darbo uzmokesti pagal savivaldybes;
- vidutini darbo uzmokesti pagal ekonomines veiklos sritis.
Pastaba: interneto rysio teise reikalinga statistikos duomenu atnaujinimams. Jusu ivesti skaiciavimo duomenys nera saugomi aplikacijoje ar perduodami uz Jusu telefono ribu.
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Supported operating systems:
Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 7, Windows Phone 8
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