Text TV is a viewer for the swedish teletext service svt text. The application is available in swedish only.
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Supported operating systems:
Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 7, Windows Phone 8
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I risultati sono aggiornati in tempo reale, dal lunedi¬ al sabato.
Aggiornamento versione 2
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- Easy to use and intuitive interface
FlopTV FlopTV ha un'applicazione che fa ridere!
Con un solo click puoi avere tutte le serie online direttamente sul tuo Windows Phone 7 e reintegrare in ogni momento della giornata, la tua dose di buonumore.
Con FlopTV puoi:
- cantare... sulle note di Mariottide
- fare acquisti... da Piccol
- stare In forma... con Davide
- imparare..
Today in TV Today in TV - Find out what's on TV today anytime with a few taps of your finger.
Scroll through 100 TV channels or select an hour. When selecting by channel icon, you see a list of all programs on that network by hour. Browsing by hour shows all channel programming at that time. Both modes show program start and end times
TV Guide Sverige TV-listings for Swedish channels. The application is available in Swedish only.
Svensk TV Guide med mojlighet att valja och sortera kanallistan
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Swedish description
Las den svenska versionen av Wulffmorgenthaler. Byt bild genom att svepa till vanster eller hoger. Det gar att slumpa fram en bild genom att skaka telefonen