Weight Tracker Weight Tracker - Accept the weight and height using imperial or metric measures.
User can calculate their BMI regularly.
Record of each days BMI is available in their account.
Generates graph based on BMI
Your bmi Your bmi is the right application to easy calculate your bmi, body mass index. It's easy, enter your height and weight and press calculate
Bmi1 Bmi1 - BMI - also know as Body Mass Index. It is the most basic guideline for one to measure and determine whether he or she is healthy in the sense of underweight, just nice, overweight or in obsess range.
This app helps you to calculate it and give you the description of the bmi range you are
for feedback: kaizerg13@gmail
AlkoCalc AlkoCalc - Przetestuj aplikacje i sprawdz jak szybko sie upijasz, jak szybko upijaja sie inni oraz kiedy znow bedziecie trzezwi. Aktualnie jest to najbardziej rozbudowana aplikacja tego typu.
AlkoCalc na podstawie informacji o ilosci spozytego przez Ciebie alkoholu wyznacza ilosc promili.
UWAGA: Kazdy organimz ma inna tolerancje na alkohol
Clinical Calculator Free Clinical Calculator Free - This program allows for the simple calculation of over 20 of the most commonly used clinical formulas including A-a gradient, ANC, FeNa, Hyponatremia correction, and many more. A module for calculating the expected compensation of acid-base disorders is also included
How Is Your Body ? How Is Your Body ? est une application qui vous permet de mieux connaitre votre corps.
Cette application va vous aider a garder ou retrouver une silhouette ideale en calculant vos differents indices.
How Is Your Body calcul l'Indice de Masse Corporelle (IMC) et l'Indice de Masse Graisseuse (IMG)
MonIMC Mon IMC est une application permettant de calculer simplement son IMC (Indice de masse corporelle)
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Free dicer Free dicer - Cool 3D dice everywhere you want - with dicer by mapps! With free dicer you can roll up to two dice. You don't like the outcome and want to dice all 1s again? Then do it, with free dicer by mapps!
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