Tips Jar Tips Jar - This tip calculator provides standard tipping options such as 15% being your average (standard tip) 20% for Great service and of course 10% for poor service. Additionally you can select the percentage manually as well
Tip Calculator - FastTip Tip Calculator - FastTip
Version 2.0
-Added a help button on the bottom right of the screen, which helps users to know how much to tip.
-Slightly changed UI to help users understand that person and tip percentage option is scrollable for more values.
Version 1.0
A Tip Calculator designed to calculate your tip in as less time as possible
YetAnotherTipCalc YetAnotherTipCalc - A simple, clean tip calculator that allows you to quickly determine how much you should leave in a tipping situation. Either use the 15% or 20% buttons to leave standard amounts, or use the slider to leave any value from 1-100% of your bill total. Even split the bill among multiple guests quickly and easily
Mortgage Calculator Mortgage Calculator - Developed by : Vincent Maraba
A one stop app to calculate your mortgage! You know the value of that dream house, then leave the calculations of knowing the monthly repayments to this app that uses the universally popular Amortization formula to calculate repayments
Quick Mortgage Calculator Quick Mortgage Calculator - Quick, clean, and easy-to-use. See what your monthly payment will be on a 30 year or 15 year fixed-rate mortgage. Optionally, see how large the loan would be, given a set monthly payment.
Review the corresponding monthly amortization schedule. Portrait and landscape modes are both suppported
Itemized Split Itemized Split - Use Itemized Split to split bills among any number of people based on items rather than the simple bill split. It gives you the accurate bill amount that you need to pay because you will only be paying for the item that you order. Will save you tons of money over the years.
1. Split bills based on items rather than simple split.
CalculateDiscount CalculateDiscount - Developed by Josphat Mwathi
Want to know if you are paying the right price when buying an item with discount and sales tax? Discount Calculator is a must have app that helps you solve the problem. The app calculates the total amount of money you are supposed to pay for an item
Easy Tip Calculator Easy Tip Calculator - Ever want a glance-and-go way to calculate your tip? This is your app! Different than other tip calculators, this app does not require you to type in specific values. Instead, you simply slide the amount of the bill, the quality of the service, and voila!
It's that easy
I AM FREE Want to tell people that you are free now and have nothing to do but just dunno how to start? With this application you can tell everyone that you are free and bored
Chatbox for You and Me Chatbox for You and Me - Get a Chatbox for You and Me and solve times where you need to write a private "paper" conversation between you and your friends. Chatbox for You and Me is a simple chat application that allows you to comment and clear away the entire chat easily.
And the best part - it is completely free