Daily Push Ups - Here is your FREE personal trainer ! Start workout with your device for free. This is a real fitness trainer, It not only helps to count push ups but it also tracks your push up counts daily basis and give you statistics. One main feature which is differ than other app is "Voice Encouragement" !!
Best Fitness Zone - Enjoy the Best Fitness Zone application on your mobile phone. Just read the tips with more informative images follow it in your regular days and keep yourself and your family healthy and active. This app has got the 10 best home equipment's you should have in your house for faster workouts. Stay with this app for more tips every week
1001 Beauty Tips - To read 1001 beauty tips, Start by reading the self esteem Chapter because this is truly the most important part of beauty: The beauty that comes from within when you feel good about yourself. The way you carry yourself, head up or down, droopy or sparkling eyes, frown or smile. This all comes from within. How you feel about yourself reflects to others
Benefits of Chocolate - The potential health benefits of chocolate. Throughout the years, chocolate has been on the end of a lot of bad press because of its fat content, and its consumption has been associated with acne, obesity, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease and diabetes. Enter milk, sugar, and butter good for your taste buds, not always good for your health
Reasons You Should Brush Your Teeth - Besides complicating your social life, neglecting to brush your teeth can land you with more than just a couple cavities. It could actually stop your heart. We’re not joking. Gum disease has been linked to an increased prevalence of numerous other conditions such heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and bronchitis
Superfoods To Boost Your Brainpower Naturally - We've all had those days when we just can't seem to concentrate. And while there's no magic pill to bring us back to the height of our cognitive powers, there are some foods that have been shown to improve brain function, protect against age-associated cognitive decline and encourage focus and clarity
Mind Rubrics Dictionary - Mind Rubrics Dictionary is simple and easy to use dictionary for students, new practitioners, doctors of homeopathy. It contains simple and easy to understand meanings of words related and/or associated with rubrics of mind. Note: 1. 600+ rubrics with their meanings, images and remedies with grades. 2
Hydro Coach - drink water - Drinking water regularly is a big challenge in day-to-day life. Hands up – who really drinks enough water every day? Hydro Coach will help you by calculating how much water you need, tracking what you drink, and gently reminding you when to drink. It's time to unleash the power of water to improve your health
Pump It Out - Welcome to Pump it Out Trainer program. Don't waste your time and follow the best bodybuilding workout trainer program. If you want to be in shape or gaining muscle, then you have to choose the best workout trainer ever. Pump it Out is like having a Personal Trainer in your pocket. You’ll quickly improve fitness, strength, tone, muscle