Speaking calculator - Speaking calculator is a simple Calculator but with Voice , you can say the Arithmetic operation to calculator then calculator will say the operation and its result
Advance CALCU - the perfect calculator for Android. I'm easy to use and beautifully designed to do things better than your phone or handheld calculator ever did.Express your style with the calculator made just for you
Best Interest Rate Calculator - Best Interest Rate Calculator is an extremely useful and suitable calculator for everyone who work as brokers, traders, or just interested in macro-economy. Best Interest Rate Calculator provides the ability to calculate without sheets the necessary and true interest rate according to the given data
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Ecalculator - I'm Calculator Plus - the perfect calculator for Android. I'm easy to use and beautifully designed to do things better than your phone or handheld calculator ever did. I'm big, easy to read, and I love saving you time and effort
Aptilator - This will help you in various topics of maths. In this app four kind of mathematical topics we covered like Trigonometry, Simple Interest & Compound Interest, Areas of Geometry and Quadratic equation. This App will help you while solving your math problems
Home Temperature Converter - A basic app for day to day temperature conversions. Convert between Celsius and Fahrenheit without any hassle. Very simple to use. For any feedback, feel free to reach me at visheshahuja@gmail.com