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Ayrýca kravat'ýn tarihçeside uygulamada mevcut..
Soru ve görüþleriniz için e-mail atabilirsiniz.
E-Mail : ahmetkocak998@gmail.com
Not : Video'lu anlatým için Internet baðlantýsý olmak zorunda.
kravat , tie , baðlama , kravat baðlama , windsor , half windsor , prens albert , teknik , ahmetkocak , kravat çeþitleri , türkçe , turkish , android
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Supported operating systems:
Google Android 1.5, Google Android 1.6, Google Android 10.x, Google Android 2.0, Google Android 2.1, Google Android 2.2, Google Android 2.3, Google Android 3.0, Google Android 3.1, Google Android 3.2, Google Android 4.0, Google Android 4.1, Google Android 4.2, Google Android 4.3, Google Android 4.4, Google Android 5.x, Google Android 6.x, Google Android 7.x, Google Android 8.x, Google Android 9.x
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What's New in This Release:
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· Changed typeface to sans.
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· Added android.permission
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Appzedge : Android Market Appzedge : Android Market
• We don't provide or distribute files on our server.
• We only provide the official link of the developer (who owns the copyright of content) from which user will be able to use the content.
• All the logos and stuff are the property of their respective owners
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The Six Gestures that the registered version can recognize:
1.Facing down
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• Tray Icon for instant information
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Other Software by developer «ahmetkocak»:
Gunluk Ayet, Hadis, Dua, Soz.. Bu uygulamada aþaðýdakiler yer almaktadýr.Okuyup beðendiðinizi arkadaþlarýnýzla paylaþabilirsiniz...+ Günün Duasý+ Günün Fýkrasý+ Günün Hadisi Þerifi
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Running Ball 3D Running Ball 3D - HI the game has 6 levels.
You must finish the level you are playing to start next level.
the ball is going automatically. you can rotate it by turning your phone right or left.
some levels have blocks. you can jump to pass them. if you want to jump you should touch the screen
3D Mini Car Racing HD 3D Mini Car Racing HD - ----ENGLISH------
This game is 3D Mini Car Racing .
Game contains 4 car , one of you and others are outomatic also there is cars , racetrack , trees , montains , cars and others .
You can see car speed via Speedometer , you can on or off music by using music control , pause game with pause button
How to Tie a Scarf How to Tie a Scarf - HI,
You can learn tie to scarf from different ways by this application.
There are two ways expression ; images and videos.
This application has that ways to tie :
+ French Twist
+ Square Knot
+ Neck Ring
+ Neck Wrap
+ Slip Knot
+ Knotted Belt
+ Head Wrap
Please sent e-mail for this application to me.
my mail address is : ahmetkocak998@gmail
3D Space War 3D Space War - -------------------------------English------------------------------------
Game contains spaceship,meteor,alien and others...
If you want to see menu in game you can touch pause icon .
Pause menu contains main menu , restart , exit .
Game is 4 levels.when level complete game saves your normal score and high score
Son Dakika Haberleri Bu uygulama sayesinde son dakika haberlerini kacýrmadan takip edebileceksiniz.Geliþmelerden dakika dakika haberiniz olsun. Tum son dakika haberleri, finans, spor ve magazin dunyasýna ait guncel bilgilere anýnda ulaþabilirsiniz.--TAGS--------
3D Mini Car Racing 3D Mini Car Racing - HI
This game is 3D Mini Car Racing .
Game contains 4 car , one of you and others are outomatic also there is cars , racetrack , trees , montains , cars and others .
You can see car speed via Speedometer , you can on or off music by using music control , pause game with pause button .
If you want to see menu in game you can touch pause icon
Running Ball 3D Free Running Ball 3D Free is a simple game for Android. Over 6 levels, you have to guide the moving ball to the finish line by tilting your phone right or left. Some levels have blocks. You can jump over them by tapping the screen